When I look back over 2010, there are some things that stand out:
February- SNOW, SNOW, and more SNOW! We had over 70" of snow- much of it at the same time. Luckily, for the second half of this blizzard, I was in sunny (although cold) Florida enjoying the Disney Social Media Moms conference (see my posts on that here, here, and here).
May- We spent a wonderful weekend in New York City.
June- We were busy in June! We went to our first NASCAR race in Pocono and had an amazing experience (check it out here). We then started a two week swing along the West Coast visiting family. Matthew and Mike both had the chance to meet my grandmother who they had never met before. I was especially grateful for this after she had open heart surgery later in the summer that she never recovered from. We spent a couple wonderful days in San Francisco and then Disneyland.
August- We headed to Disney World for 8 wonderful days where we got to meet many of our friends and had a wonderful vacation.
September- We had 20+ people come to our house for a wonderful, relaxing, and fun Labor Day weekend. That weekend holds many great memories!
October- #EpicOctober2010. Need I say more?
December- We took another Disney trip and got to see many of our great friends again. My parents came for a visit over Christmas and we had a great time. Oh, and I won this little contest.
But for me, what stands out the most in 2010 is friendship. I had to say goodbye to some friends, but I gained so many more. I have met so many wonderful people on-line that I am lucky to call my friends. I may not have met these people in person, but that doesn't mean they aren't my friends. We all know that I don't think we have to have met in person to become friends! (see my thoughts on that here!) I thank you all for your friendship.
But, I was truly blessed with several wonderful, special friends. As one of these friends said, these are my pocket friends. These friends don't live near me, but they are always close by my heart. Somehow, we came together and developed a special bond. They are the people that I want to call first when I have good news. And they are the people that I want to call first when I need a shoulder to cry on. They live in my phone, and are never farther apart than a phone call. They are always in my thoughts, and there aren't enough words to truly explain how much they mean to me. I would say thank you to all of you, but it just doesn't seem like enough.
So- as we look forward in 2011, I hope each and everyone of you has a wonderful and magical year. I hope it opens doors that leads you down the path of happiness and contentment.