We knew it was going to be a great day when we walked into the conference room and saw each a Build-A-Bear on each table dressed as a different Disney Princess (we hadPrincess Tiana).
Our first speaker of the day was Maxine Clark- Chief Executive Bear at Build-A-Bear. Maxine told us about how she grew her company and how she keeps it personal using social media. Maxine is a wonderful person, and her love for her company comes through everything she does.

Following Maxine Clark was Marissa J Winokur, best known for her role in Hairspray and Dancing with the Stars. Marissa talked about how she uses social media in her career and getting her name out and into the public. Marissa is as bubbly in person as she appears on screen.
After lunch, we had a surprise speaker- Kathy Ireland. Kathy shared with us what it was like for her getting her business off the ground and still being an involved mother. What impressed me most was during the question and answer session, Kathy was very honest and open with her answers- she wasn't handing out stock "feel-good" answers.
Our last speaker of the day was Chris Brogan, author of Trust Agents. Chris is a social media guru, and really believes in what he talks about.
At the end of the session, we got to enjoy the comedy of Mary Ellen Hooper. Mary Ellen had us all rolling on the floor with laughter. It was a great way to end the session.
That evening, we were treated to a dinner and dance party in Studio Catering Company in the closed-to-the-public Hollywood Studios. As we ate and danced the night away, we got to mingle with Mickey and Minnie.
Then, after dinner, we had an AMAZING treat- Disney opened Toy Story Mania for us to ride. Being able to just walk onto this ride and play was amazing. At one point, I was able to ride twice in a row without having to get off. After five rides, though, my arm was tired and I had to call it a night.
Overall, the conference was just amazing, and I haven't done it justice. I am so new to everything with social media, and I was just a sponge those 3 days. I learned so much. I thank Disney and http://www.5minutesformom/ for putting on this conference, and look forward to going again next year (hoping Disney does it again!)
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